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Behavioural services

Positive leadership & reward based training
Non aggressive techniques

Established and unwanted behaviours are modified to extinction or to a level that is manageable making for a much happier relationship between dog and owner. 

I will visit you in your home , It is preferable if all family members are present as it is useful to see how your dog interacts with all who live there.  In some cases two visits may be needed. Each visit lasts up to three hours, during this time I will assess your dogs behaviour and interactions with family members.  You will be provided with demonstrations and coaching in behavioural and training techniques. It is necessary for the success of treatment that the owner adheres to the plan and techniques. 

Email and telephone is provided throughout and after if needed. 

I will follow up the visit with a behavioural report and agreed plan , i will also forward a copy to your veterinarian. 

The process to behaviour modification requires that the dog has been referred by a veterinarian and the owner has completed a questionnaire on their dogs behaviour. The form for the vet to complete can be found below. Please contact me for further information or for a behavioural questionnaire. 

Prices on request after submission of behaviour questionnaire.

Puppy behaviour development & training course
Undivided attention through one to one coaching to suit your needs & your new puppy.

For the developing puppy the first few months are the most important time of their lives. The first few months influence development and future behaviour.  Training at this stage increases the likelihood of having a well balanced adult dog. Many dogs develop behavioural problems as they reach maturity through inappropriate training or no training at all. I decided that this would be the perfect course for owners to provide them with information and practical skills to ensure they have a well behaved family pet. 

Free Pre puppy Advice given by email on choosing a breed to fit in with your lifestyle

Six week training course designed around the owners lifestyle and breed of puppy. ( Puppies must be under six months for this course) House training advice , crate training and much more so you to have the perfect pup. 

Visits last approximately 60 minutes and are £35 a session.


Please contact me via email, text, facebook or whats app and I will get back to you as soon as possible.



Dog Training



Dog training 1-2-1 sessions  £45 per hour for leash pulling, general training, jumping up etc

I can come to your home or we can meet in a outside location



Puppy classes are available throughout the year, please check for availability on my facebook page. 

six week courses in small groups held inside during winter and outside in the summer. 

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